Communications and Marketing is the central communications office of the University of Minnesota, Morris. For more information, please see the Communications and Marketing website.
Press Releases from 2009
Popular Community Meal program continues October 26, 2009, University Relations
Morris students Trick or Can for the Stevens County Food Shelf, University Relations
Project Art for Nature exhibition promotes awareness and stewardship, University Relations
Drums and dance define next Performing Arts Series performance, University Relations
Halloween stories: share if you dare, University Relations
Local foods showcased in Pride of the Prairie Fall Feast, University Relations
Media Room at Big Cat Stadium to be renamed in Brian Curtis Brummond's honor, University Relations
Deering's undergraduate research presented at international conference and at Scholars Showcase, University Relations
Ken Haug '79 chosen as 2009-10 Latterell Visiting Alumnus, University Relations
Division of Science and Mathematics Invitational Exhibition at PRCA, University Relations
Three Cougars Named UMAC Player of the Week, University Relations
Homecoming 2009: Back in Black!, University Relations
Jill Doerfler '01 chosen as 2009 Driggs Lecturer, University Relations
Media Services produces Lake Carlos State Park segment of documentary, University Relations
Rodney A. Briggs Library Associates Annual Book Sale, University Relations
Cougar women's soccer team joins KICKS Against Breast Cancer campaign, University Relations
Popular Community Meal brings local community members together, University Relations
Three Cougars named UMAC Player of the Week, University Relations
Banned book reading sponsored by Briggs Library and Sigma Tau Delta, University Relations
Take Back the Night at the University of Minnesota, Morris, University Relations
Rendon to speak on teaching and learning, wholeness and social justice, University Relations
Interdisciplinary student team produces video for the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, University Relations
Fraternities' scholarship gifts benefit current and future students, University Relations
Sixth Annual Cougar Fest Saturday, September 19, University Relations
Asking the Big Questions group to discuss feminism, University Relations
Grand Derangement "kicks off" Performing Arts Series, University Relations
Professor Collier: utilizing 21st century tools to evaluate the claims of an 18th century philosopher, University Relations
Alumni to present 2009 Fringe Festival's Rumspringa the Musical on campus, University Relations
Toxicology graduate student Jenna Benson '07 studies the effects of Echinacea, University Relations
Humanities Fine Arts Gallery presents McKnight Ceramic Artists, University Relations
The University of Minnesota, Morris among Mother Jones Magazine's Top 10 "Cool Schools", University Relations
Maas Family Endowed Chair in Bioethics to speak tonight at First-Year Seminar Convocation, University Relations
Eble, artist and professor, studies the Louisiana coast from the air and from his studio, University Relations
English Professor Turk studies "vidding" and literary analysis by television series fans, University Relations
Second Annual Spanish-Mexican Cinema Festival Begins Sunday, September 20, University Relations
Garavaso explores the impact of mistranslations of words written by the "father of logic", University Relations
The 2009-10 academic year is underway!, University Relations
University of Minnesota, Morris chosen for its quality and value by Forbes, University Relations
International Student Orientation underway, University Relations
Norwegian science students visit Morris campus, University Relations
2006 UMMy Award-winning film reappears as 2009 Fringe Festival musical, University Relations
Organic Gardening Club one of campus's newest student organizations, University Relations
Chris Butler named sports information director, University Relations
Gateway program provides exposure to academics, the campus, and the city of Morris--and lots of fun!, University Relations
Summer research and internship in India inspire life's calling for Kathy Julik-Heine '10, University Relations
Professor Lackey's literary study defines Adolf Hitler's version of Christianity, University Relations
Three economics and mathematics majors experience real-world research opportunity through Truckers and Turnover Project, University Relations
Survey results from Prairie Pioneer Days show opportunities for healthy eating, University Relations
University of Minnesota, Morris included in the Fiske Guide to Colleges 2010 edition, University Relations
Campus welcomes West Central School of Agriculture Alumni, University Relations
Bradley Deane, associate professor of English, researches nineteenth century British adventure fiction, University Relations
Shelleye and Tony Williamson '87 receive Entrepreneurs of the Year Award, University Relations
Dairy herd transition provides research opportunity for Professor Timna Wyckoff, University Relations
Ken Bruss '78 honored by the UMM Alumni Assocation, University Relations
Randy Koopman '78 receives 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award, University Relations
Professor Eckerle deciphers "life writings" of sixteenth and seventeenth century women, University Relations
Academic All-Conference Award Winners Announced, University Relations
Croatt finishes sixth in 100 M dash at NCAA Championships, University Relations
Seggelke, assistant professor of music, to present at international World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles conference, University Relations
Class of 2009 gift symbolizes renewable, sustainable initiatives and education, University Relations
Elijah Mayfield to present research in Singapore, University Relations
Campus partners with McKinstry to realize vision for 2010, University Relations
Ice Cream and Lollipops Children's Art Show, University Relations
"Allure" of Jess Larson's work captures magazine's attention, University Relations
Faculty and staff honored during annual recognition dinner, University Relations
UMAC Track and Field awards, University Relations
Biology Club and Chemistry Club host a solar-oven cookout, University Relations
Michelle Handlin '07 experiences the South Pole Station, University Relations
46th annual Commencement, University Relations
Student Honors and Awards May 15, University Relations
Kateri Bird, Hilda Ladner honored with Cesar Chavez Awards, University Relations
Second Annual Bread N' Bowls, University Relations
Library Enrichment Grants announced, University Relations
See "New York, New York" Opera Workshop show, University Relations
Author Will Weaver will give Commencement keynote, University Relations
Six-Ton Campaign exceeds goal, University Relations
Bradley Deane receives Morris Alumni Association Teaching Award, University Relations
Faculty and Staff Recognition Dinner, University Relations
Symphonic Winds concert May 3, University Relations
Summer Jazz Experience for high school musicians in June, University Relations
Thirteen Morris faculty receive Imagine Fund Awards, University Relations
Senior Art Exhibition, University Relations
Fashion Trashion: Where Style Meets Sustainability, University Relations
Jack and the Beanstalk is children's theatre show, University Relations
Melinda Kernik receives Sullivan Scholarship, University Relations
Concerned students lobby for the environment, University Relations
Students dig into research in Ireland, University Relations
Ninth Undergraduate Research Symposium, University Relations
Tara Greiman is a Udall Scholar, University Relations
Alumni make a difference in Minnesota Reading Corps, University Relations
Kellcee Baker, Ashley Gaschk are 2009 Truman Scholars, University Relations
Students and faculty contribute to success of mental health crises training films, University Relations
Campus volunteers help with flood relief effort, University Relations
International Club experiences debate and diplomacy at Model United Nations, University Relations
Painting students work "artfully" together, University Relations
WIRED Grant Funds to Develop Biomass Gasification Course, University Relations
Dance students to perform in Twin Cities, University Relations
World Touch Cultural Heritage Week, University Relations
Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition, University Relations
Weather Announcement: Campus Closing, University Relations