Communications and Marketing is the central communications office of the University of Minnesota, Morris. For more information, please see the Communications and Marketing website.
Press Releases from 2008
UMM represented in environmental panel at State Fair Tuesday, University Relations
Festival of Spanish Cinema, University Relations
To honor his grandmother, University Relations
Chad Braegelmann named Head Volleyball Coach/Intramural Coordinator at UMM, University Relations
First Gallery exhibit has China focus, University Relations
Promise, expectation mark new school year, University Relations
Soccer, a Brazilian Experience, University Relations
Gateway opens UMM experience, University Relations
Summer Scholars explore how landscape inspires artists, University Relations
Thielke faces many challenges, including AML, in young life, University Relations
Giving new life to the historic Morris Theatre lobby, University Relations
Memories are made of this: 2008 WCSA Reunion July 19, University Relations
Ostroushko, MacKenzie and Chouinard in concert, University Relations
Full Circle, University Relations
Ice Cream and Lollipops, children's art from the community, University Relations
Pomme de Terre Disc Golf Course opens, University Relations
Reserve free tickets for UMM at the St. Paul Saints, University Relations
UMM athletic award recipients selected, University Relations
Kellcee Baker is UMM's first Udall Scholar, University Relations
Today's Commencement ceremony is outside, on the Campus Mall!, University Relations
John Hanson is UMM's first Killam Scholar, University Relations
Building Solutions for Energy Self-Reliance, University Relations
Student achievements to be celebrated May 16, University Relations
ACS Chem Club earns Green Chapter status, University Relations
Morris campus to exhibit at Living Green Expo this weekend, University Relations
Summer Jazz Experience for high school musicians, University Relations
Simon Franco, Donna Chollett receive César Chávez Award, University Relations
Tomorrow's Tinman Triathlon cancelled, University Relations
Bread N Bowls event May 2, University Relations
Faculty and staff will be recognized during May 1 event, University Relations
Senior Art Show features work of 18 graduating seniors, University Relations
Pine Hall wins UMM Campus Energy Wars 2008, University Relations
Gateway Center will provide a portal for entire region, University Relations
First campus Relay for Life, University Relations
First-ever environmental studies major registers, University Relations
UMM celebrates Beautiful U Day Thursday, University Relations
Students in Multi-Ethnic Mentorship Program present their work, University Relations
Pride Week events this week, University Relations
Julie Pelletier receives alumni association teaching award, University Relations
Seussical performance tonight, University Relations
ZEV stops traffic on campus, University Relations
Senate panel showcases University of Minnesota, Morris, University Relations
Chancellor Johnson to give Senate testimony on eliminating UMM's carbon footprint, University Relations
Ryan Barland "digs" internship at the National Museum of Ireland, University Relations
Public Engagement Day at UMM, University Relations
U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison will address this year's graduating seniors, University Relations
Mike Kopel certified as second arborist at UMM, University Relations
McQuarrie, Schrunk Ericksen receive Horace T. Morse Award, University Relations
Undergraduate Research Symposium April 4, University Relations
30th annual Jazz Fest April 3-5, University Relations
Concert Choir performs before Minnesota congressional delegation, University Relations
Echoes of Cry of the Marsh broadcast, town hall meeting, University Relations
Juried Student Art Exhibition, University Relations
TXT-U launched March 10 on Morris campus, University Relations
Showcase Day during Henjum Creative Study Institute, University Relations
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds fuel UMM's energy goals, University Relations
Sherman Alexie will give World Touch Cultural Heritage Week keynote, University Relations
Mock Trial team places first, University Relations
State of the U broadcast March 6, University Relations
Women, men advance to post-season basketball play, University Relations
UMM to track sustainability via STARS, University Relations
Local Foods Farmers' Market and Meal, University Relations
Driggs Lecture February 25, University Relations
Environmental Studies major is option for UMM students next fall, University Relations
UMM among top 100 "best values," says Kiplinger, University Relations
Support the U Day February 20, University Relations
See Paula O'Loughlin's KSTP news interview, University Relations
Cougar women's soccer team and individuals earn academic awards, University Relations
Hansel and Gretel is next Performing Arts Series offering, University Relations
"Re-inventing a 'Green' Learning Environment" available online, University Relations
Benefits for Brian "BC" (Curtis) Brummond, University Relations
Morris welcomes Community of Scholars visitors, University Relations
UMM presence during AAC&U Conference in Washington, D.C., University Relations
Hilda Ladner named Assistant to the Chancellor for Equity and Diversity, University Relations
Works from studio art faculty, past and present, displayed in Gallery, University Relations
Ann Reed to perform at UMM, University Relations
Theatre production "The Birds" starts tonight, University Relations
Jeff Ulrich '95, will deliver the 2008 Latterell Lecture, University Relations
Make UMM a capitol priority!, University Relations
UMM, District 206 Community Ed, Alexandria, offer lifelong learning courses, University Relations
Press Releases from 2007
Fifth graders learn that poetry can be fun, University Relations
'Tis always the season for civic engagement, University Relations
Extra! Extra! Blog all about it!, University Relations
Symphonic Winds to give final concert for semester on December 9, University Relations
First Year Seminar Jamboree this Thursday, University Relations
Students "break a leg" with CLIMB theatre auditions, University Relations
PPTV, Media Services collaborate to broadcast Carol Concerts, University Relations
Green Prairie Living and Learning Community to open in Fall 2010, University Relations
Christmas Flute Ensemble to provide prelude music for Carol Concerts, University Relations
An International Country Fair, University Relations
"Sew" appropriate for the holidays, University Relations
Choirs, flute ensemble perform during annual Carol Concerts, University Relations
Dr. Cheryl Contant named academic dean, University Relations
Campus video surveillance system under construction, University Relations
Cornell U scholar will deliver annual Barber Lecture, University Relations
Cougar basketball home games are Webcast, University Relations
Improving the design of familiar tasks, University Relations
Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser yields over $750, University Relations
Computer science students present at prestigious OOPSLA, University Relations
Everybody talks about the weather, but..., University Relations