Communications and Marketing is the central communications office of the University of Minnesota, Morris. For more information, please see the Communications and Marketing website.
Press Releases from 2011
"Prairie Yard and Garden" tours Munsinger and Clemons Gardens in St. Cloud, University Relations
Symphonic Winds to collaborate with Dance Ensemble, University Relations
Chrissy Kolaya to present reading at the Prairie Renaissance Cultural Alliance, University Relations
University of Minnesota, Morris campus documentary to air on Pioneer Public Television, University Relations
Produced at the University of Minnesota, Morris, Prairie Yard and Garden enters its 24th season on Pioneer Public Television, University Relations
Participate in "freedom bells," a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service project, University Relations
Campus and community invited to participate in Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, University Relations
Welcome Center featured in Architecture Minnesota magazine, University Relations
Carlson scholarship mirrors the profound and touching impact of a mother and teacher, University Relations
Kiplinger's ranks Morris as Best Value in Public Colleges 2011 list, University Relations
Carbon 101 workshop planned for a public audience, University Relations
Press Releases from 2010
MacMillan Publishing releases America and the British Imaginary in Turn-of-the-Century Literature by Brook Miller, University Relations
Morris included in National Wildlife Federation’s 2010 Campus Sustainability Database, University Relations
University of Minnesota Legislative Briefing to be videocast live to the Morris campus, University Relations
Argie Manolis, Office of Community Engagement coordinator, earns Morris Human Rights Award, University Relations
Imagine Fund Awards allow Professors Lawrence and Rothchild to collaborate on study of women politicians in India, University Relations
Morris campus marks "greenest" day, University Relations
Twelve Morris faculty receive Universitywide Research Enhance Funds, University Relations
Morris Alum cast in Ordway holiday performance, University Relations
December 15 deadline for first-year competitive academic scholarships, University Relations
Unusual Suspects improv troupe advances to national competition, University Relations
Jennifer Miller '10 helps Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center develop tour, University Relations
Prairie Renaissance Cultural Alliance Gallery features train photographs by railfan Mike Vandenberg '03, University Relations
Art Club Holiday Sale showcases work by student, faculty, and area artists, University Relations
Concert Choir's "A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" this weekend, University Relations
Morris receives 10-year reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, University Relations
Morris receives 10-year reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, University Relations
Welcome Center receives 2011 Minnesota Construction Association Award, University Relations
December Soup & Substance discussion on budget cuts and education, University Relations
Keillor to host "A Prairie Home Companion" at Morris in February 2011, University Relations
Keillor to host "A Prairie Home Companion" at Morris in February 2011, University Relations
Morris students participate in Art for Our Children project, University Relations
Felixia M. Rosales '11 honored with a Scholarly Excellence in Equity and Diversity Award, University Relations
Vangstad receives ACUHO Support Staff Recognition Award for Upper Midwest Region, University Relations
Keller '13 earns All-American honors at NCAA championship, University Relations
Reyes, Morris's first Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, combines teaching and community service, University Relations
Symphonic Winds presents final 2010 Concert, University Relations
Work for Voigt '06 at Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy reflects personal practice and Morris experience, University Relations
Pappenfus, associate professor of chemistry, and students to present at Midwest's premier energy, economic, and environmental conference, University Relations
Office of Community Engagement celebrates a year of success, University Relations
University of Minnesota, Morris partners with AmeriCorps Students in Service, University Relations
Free Community Meal to feature Hmong Cuisine, University Relations
Abram Henry '11 chosen for internship with U.S. Department of State, University Relations
Eric Kaler named University of Minnesota's 16th president, University Relations
Students participate in Broadband 2010: Cultivating a Culture of Use, University Relations
Morris Chinese I students excel in national karaoke contest for language students, University Relations
Dance Ensemble presents "Fame" fall performance, University Relations
November Soup & Substance to discuss large corporations and small communities, University Relations
Alumni Associations develop campus history audio walking tours, University Relations
Professor Bina serves as keynote speaker at international conference, University Relations
Asking the Big Questions to explore Islam, University Relations
Three Cougars named NFCA Scholar Athletes, University Relations
Kolaya and Kildegaard to present a works-in-progress fiction and poetry reading, University Relations
Morris Latterell Visiting Alumnus Brent Heeringa '99 to speak on startups, research, and teaching, University Relations
Pride of the Prairie Farmers Market and Fall Feast celebrate 10th anniversary, University Relations
Schultz and Larson to speak at Kaddatz Gallery, University Relations
Senator Amy Klobuchar visits Morris campus, University Relations
Chanteur Kevin Soucie to present acoustic concert of French music, University Relations
Yasmina Reza's ART to open the 2010-11 theatre season, University Relations
Festival of the Winds celebration presents a musical collaboration, University Relations
Buckets and Tap Shoes to present energetic performance on Edson Auditorium stage, University Relations
Convocation speaker David Relin, co-author of Three Cups of Tea, to speak on volunteerism and public service, University Relations
All-UMAC Women's golf team earns four All-Conference honors, University Relations
Community donates big for annual student Trick or Can Drive for the Food Shelf, University Relations
Women's golf team repeats as UMAC champs, University Relations
Hanson '11, Torgerson '11, and Weber '11 honored with MENC awards, University Relations
Briggs Library Associates Annual Book Sale scheduled, University Relations
Computer science student team takes first at Digi-Key competition, University Relations
October Morris Community Meal features local foods, University Relations
October Soup and Substance to focus on arts funding, University Relations
Asking the Big Questions campus/community discussion group explores faith and spirituality, University Relations
Chancellor Johnson attends 2010 Climate Leadership Summit, University Relations
Halverson-Wente '88 receives MSCU Educator of the Year award, University Relations
Bouquet Skyships and proximity exhibit opens in Humanities Fine Arts Gallery, University Relations
Extra special Homecoming 2010 planned for Morris's 50th birthday, University Relations
Global Issues Honor Consortium students to present research, University Relations
Hands-on gasification workshops offered, University Relations
Canada's hottest folk band,The Wailin' Jennys, to perform in Edson, University Relations
University of Minnesota, Morris receives grant from the American Indian Education Foundation, University Relations
PRCA's Images and Artists from Morris's Past exhibit celebrates UMM milestone, University Relations
Wojtaszek, associate professor of Spanish, analyzes the literary and cultural movements of the 19th century Galician revival, University Relations
Eble, associate professor of studio art, completes Artist in Residency, University Relations
Lutheran Campus Ministry, Morris's first student organization, University Relations
Bruno '13 helps to spruce up Wheaton's mainstreet, University Relations
Minnesota Historical Society awards Stephen Gross, associate professor of history, a Historical and Cultural Heritage Grant, University Relations
Students participate in Fall Semester Service Day, University Relations
Morris registers as charter participant in sustainability rating system, University Relations
University of Minnesota, Morris reflects on place and purpose in Promise of the Prairie: Education in Three Acts documentary, University Relations
2010 Founders Weekend: celebrating campus history, University Relations
Beyond the Plate: September Soup & Substance looks into food ethics, University Relations
Free Community Meal program resumes on September 27, University Relations
A Mexican-themed meal starts off the program that aims to connect people in the community., University Relations
Banned Books Event celebrates freedom to read, University Relations
Raymond J. Lammers Proscenium Theatre Dedication, University Relations
W.J. Rorabaugh to speak on "Hippies in the 1960s" as Driggs Lecturer, University Relations
2010-11 theatre season: a melting pot of controversial, new, innovative theatre, University Relations
A Confucian Colloquium: Learning from Chinese Philosophy, University Relations
Barber Lecturer Kate Flint to speak on "Flash! Photography, Writing, and Surprising Illumination, University Relations
Films in Spanish with English subtitles will be featured from Argentina, Chile, and Spain., University Relations
Founders Weekend panelists to reflect on Morris's history and mission, University Relations