Document Type
News Article
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Contents Include: Neuhaus '47 credits WCSA for preparing him for life; Greetings from the Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving; Preservation plan receives Preservation Alliance award; WCSA gathering planned for Texas in February 2008; Biomass gasifier construction underway; Greetings from the Alumni Association President; 2008 WCSA All-School Winter Reunion; WCSA All-School Reunion; Class News; Lloyd Nigg '49 shares a few words about WCSA's impact on his life; (Neuhaus continued from page one); A message from Maddy Maxeiner, UMM associate vise chancellor for external relations; Attention class of 1948; Class News; Spring 2007 garden planting
Publication Date
Fall 2007
Recommended Citation
University of Minnesota, Morris Office of Alumni Relations, "WCSA AlumNews: Fall 2007" (2007). WCSA AlumNEWS. 43.
Primo Type
Newsletter article