Document Type
News Article
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Contents Include: Memories from a Forty-eighter-- Jeanne Hahn Swartz '48 in her own words; Greetings from the Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving; Chancellor Jacqueline Johnson testifies before U.S. Senate Committee; Greetings from the Alumni Association President; Gateway Center Project retains historic characteristics while incorporating "green" construction; First Winter Texan WCSA All-School Reunion held in McAllen; 2008 Arizona Winter All-School Reunion: music and reminiscing enjoyed by all; 2009 Arizona WCSA Winter Reunion planned for Mesa; Class News; Glenn Bennett '44 shares military memories and WCSA connections; Schoephoerster '48 thanks merchants on behalf of the 1948 Moccasin Board; Walter Stumpf '50 shares his "around the world" building story; A message from Dan Stock, the son of Rudy Stock '51; WCSA references in the Tenney Quilt; Morris campus to be "powered" by green energy; UMM unveils new campus digital image collections; Class reunion announcements for All-School Reunion; All-School Reunion parking and free shuttle service; 2008 All-School Reunion and Tentative Schedule of Events; Registration Form 2008 WCSA All-School Reunion
Publication Date
Spring 2008
Recommended Citation
University of Minnesota, Morris Office of Alumni Relations, "WCSA AlumNews: Spring 2008" (2008). WCSA AlumNEWS. 29.
Primo Type
Newsletter article