University of Minnesota Morris Digital Well - Innovate! Teaching with Technology Conference: Online Biology with a Lab? It Can Be Done Well!

Document Type



Imholte 111

Start Date

13-6-2017 2:20 PM

End Date

13-6-2017 3:00 PM


Designing an online course from a face-to-face course took nine months, an instructor, two designers, one academic technologist, a usability lab, and one student worker. Our goal was to use current best practices to make an interactive, authentic learning experience for every online student, with a hands-on lab to boot! Join us to learn how we managed to build this complex course in a way that reduced instructor grading effort and was highly usable to students.

Multiple Audiences.

Primo Type

Conference Proceeding


Jun 13th, 2:20 PM Jun 13th, 3:00 PM

Online Biology with a Lab? It Can Be Done Well!

Imholte 111

Designing an online course from a face-to-face course took nine months, an instructor, two designers, one academic technologist, a usability lab, and one student worker. Our goal was to use current best practices to make an interactive, authentic learning experience for every online student, with a hands-on lab to boot! Join us to learn how we managed to build this complex course in a way that reduced instructor grading effort and was highly usable to students.

Multiple Audiences.