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Faculty Adviser

Engin Sungur


In this paper we aim to understand what is happening in the grizzly bear population mortalities from the year 2010 to 2020. We are performing Classical and Regression Tree (CART) methods and Correspondence Analysis on data provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). We found certain variables in the data set to be important through CART methods. Correspondence Analysis then allowed us to compare these variables to determine their relationships and association to one another. Most of the grizzly bear deaths are human caused and mainly over land and resources such as food and habitat. This aligns with some of the issues mentioned in the past papers. Though grizzly population have improved, their cause of death and human-bear interaction remains relatively the same. Solutions on how to continue conserving this population will need to focus around the human-bear relationship.


Included with the final paper is the presentation on this topic, as well as the data and code used in the paper.

Statistics_Senior_Seminar_Presentation.pdf (7496 kB)
Grizzly Bear Mortalities in the Yellowstone Ecosystem Presentation

completedatainformation.csv (3 kB)
Complete Data Information Spreadsheet

grizzlybearraw.csv (77 kB)
Grizzly Bear Raw Data

grizzlybear.csv (148 kB)
Grizzly Bear Data

ExampleTree.PNG (30 kB)
Example Tree

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Graphic from Paper

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Graphic from Paper

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seminar.bib (12 kB)

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