Document Type
News Article
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Contents Include: Alumni profile: Anders Christenson, teacher and pilot; Greetings from the Interim Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving; WCSA Alumni Garden gift honors memory of Daniel M. Stahn; Attention Arizona residents, snowbirds and vacationers: Winter Reunion planned; 2004 WCSA All-School Reunion a grand success; Greetings from the Alumni Association President; Promise of Tomorrow scholarship drive makes difference in students' lives; Social Science renovation retains 1920s character; Anders Christenson; WCSA Recollections; Class News; Calendar of Events; Funding for AlumNews
Publication Date
Fall 2004
Recommended Citation
University of Minnesota, Morris Office of Alumni Relations, "WCSA AlumNews: Fall 2004" (2004). WCSA AlumNEWS. 46.
Primo Type
Newsletter article