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Contents include: All-school reunion 2012 set for Saturday, July 21, 2012; Higbies--bringing Caribou Coffee to an energized campus; Greetings from the Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving; University of Minnesota, Morris happenings; Welcome Center rated Gold; Greetings from the Alumni Association President; Calendar of events; WCSA Alumni Garden planting; Class news; Report from the field: Loren Shoquist '55; Remembering Harriet Vaala Payne, WCSA Class of 1960; From the WCSA all the way to Arizona... and Texas!; Class announcements for All-School Reunion.
Publication Date
Spring 2012
University of Minnesota, Morris
Morris, MN
Recommended Citation
UMM Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, "WCSA AlumNEWS: Spring 2012" (2012). WCSA AlumNEWS. 4.
Primo Type
Newsletter article