Document Type
News Article
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Contents Include: WCSA and Experiment Station entered on National Register of Historic Places; A message from the Alumni Relations Director; UMM honors the past and prepares for the future; Greetings from the Alumni Association President; Planning date set for WCSA Alumni Garden; UMM alumna researches WCSA Willy's Jeeps; 2003 Winter Reunion in Mesa a great success!; Campaign Update; Gift to West Central Historical Research Center; Prairie Yard & Garden; Class News; WCSA Faculty and Staff News; Charitable gift annuity provides donor lifetime income and supports favorite charities; Funding for WCSA AlumNews; Calendar of Events; Class Reunion Announcements; Susan Granger to speak on WCSA history at reunion; 2003 All-School Reunion Tentative Schedule of Events; Morris Area Lodging Information; Registration Form 2003 WCSA All-School Reunion;
Publication Date
Spring 2003
Recommended Citation
University of Minnesota, Morris Office of Alumni Relations, "WCSA AlumNews: Spring 2003" (2003). WCSA AlumNEWS. 34.
Primo Type
Newsletter article