Communications and Marketing is the central communications office of the University of Minnesota, Morris. For more information, please see the Communications and Marketing website.
Press Releases from 1961
Iver Bogen Appointed to UMM Staff, University of Minnesota Morris
Daniels to Take Sabbatical Leave, University of Minnesota Morris
Milton Jacobson to Join UMM Faculty, University of Minnesota Morris
Bruce D. Rolloff Appointed Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Athletic Director, University of Minnesota Morris
Appointment of Clyde E. Johnson as Assistant Professor of Music, University of Minnesota Morris
Robinson S. Abbott Joins the Biology Department, University of Minnesota Morris
James B. Togeas Appointed as Instructor of Organic Chemistry, University of Minnesota Morris
Patrick J. McGinnis Appointed Instructor of English, University of Minnesota Morris
AAUW Gives Books to UMM, University of Minnesota Morris
Establishment of Annual Awards for the University of Minnesota Morris, University of Minnesota Morris
[News Article about UMN Morris Faculty Summer Plans], University of Minnesota Morris
Dennis Torkelson Receives the Allen W. Edson Award, University of Minnesota Morris
First Dean's Award Presented to A. David Hedine, University of Minnesota Morris
Janet Lawler Awarded First AAUW Award, University of Minnesota Morris
Canadian Farm Business Association Stops Over at University Campus, University of Minnesota Morris
Composition of Ralph E. Williams Published, University of Minnesota Morris
Morris Field Day-July 13, 1961, University of Minnesota, Morris
University of Minnesota Morris Adds Pre-Nursing Program, University of Minnesota Morris
Charles C. Hanna Will Join the University of Minnesota Morris Staff, University of Minnesota Morris
Dean's List -Spring Quarter 1961, University of Minnesota, Morris
Expansion of the Office of Student Services, University of Minnesota Morris
Results of a Poll of Students Enrolled at the University of Minnesota Morris, University of Minnesota Morris
Soil and Water Conservation Day at Morris, University of Minnesota, Morris and West Central School of Agriculture
District 4-H Club Week, University of Minnesota, Morris
A Comprehensive Business and Economics Sequence Will be Offered at the University of Minnesota, Morris, University of Minnesota Morris
Honor Society Members Elected, University of Minnesota, Morris
Kircher to Speak at Summer Field Day, University of Minnesota, Morris
Soil and Water Conservation Field Day Well Attended, University of Minnesota, Morris
The University of Minnesota, Morris Will Offer Pre-Agriculture and Pre-Forestry Programs, University of Minnesota Morris
UMM Students Honored at Awards Convocation, University of Minnesota, Morris
Former WCSA Chrous Members to Meet, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM First Music Recital, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Spring Formal to be Held at Country Club, University of Minnesota, Morris
Recital to be held at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
Silent Classic to Conclude U Film Series, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Activity Days, University of Minnesota, Morris
Music Department at UMM to Give Concert Tonight, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Activity Days to be Friday and Saturday, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Students Elect New Officers, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Student Worker Survey Results, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Golf Team Play First Match, University of Minesota, Morris
UMM Music Department to Give Special Concert, University of Minnesota, Morris
First Federal Contributes to UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Music Groups to Perform in Artist Series, University of Minnesota, Morris
Area High School Administrators Attend UMM Meeting, University of Minnesota, Morris
"Operation Abolition" to be shown April 30, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Librarian to Attend State Meeting, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Tympani Arrives, University of Minnesota, Morris
High School Musicians to Invade UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Film Series to Present "Odd Man Out", University of Minnesota, Morris
Expansion of UMM Language Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Morris
Pre-agriculture and Pre-forestory Programs at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
Photo Exhibit on Display at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
French Tragedy to be Shown in UMM Film Series, University of Minnesota, Morris
Sundby and Jeitz Elected to Honor "A" Society, University of Minnesota, Morris
Bennett Cerf at UMM -Release 2, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Film Series to Show "Death of a Salesman", University of Minnesota, Morris
The Matchmaker production, University of Minnesota, Morris
Bennett Cerf at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
Open House at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
Stevens County Banks Scholarship Fund, University of Minnesota, Morris
Swimming Classes to Begin at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
UMM Film Series to Present Japanese Drama, University of Minnesota, Morris
Stan Anderson to Captain UMM Cagers, University of Minnesota, Morris
Dean's List -Winter Quarter 1961, University of Minnesota, Morris
U Theatre Players to Appear in Morris April 7, University of Minnesota, Morris
Homemakers' Workshop June 7 & 8, West Central School of Agriculture
Beginning and Intermediate Swimming Offered at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
Veteran Actors to Appear in U Play at Morris, University of Minnesota, Morris
Fosston Youth Awarded UMM Scholarship, University of Minnesota, Morris
George Grim to Speak at UMM Convocation, University of Minnesota, Morris
Jim Bergman Receives UMM Scholarship, University of Minnesota, Morris
Recipients of the Good Citizenship Award, West Central School of Agriculture
Two Starbuck Girls Receive UMM Scholarships, University of Minnesota, Morris
Hoffman Youth Awarded UMM Scholarship, University of Minnesota, Morris
Kensington Youth Awarded UMM Scholarship, University of Minnesota, Morris
Symphony Orchestra Launched at Morris, University of Minnesota, Morris
All the King's Men showing, University of Minnesota, Morris
Morris Community Orchestra, University of Minnesota, Morris
Pre-nursing at UMM, University of Minnesota, Morris
E.P. Sherven, University of Minnesota, Morris
Pre-professional training, University of Minnesota, Morris
[News Article about E.P. Sherven, Morris Postman and UMM Enrollee], University of Minnesota Morris
Jerome Schuelke Honor Student at WCSA, University of Minnesota Morris
Linda Vogt Honor Student at WCSA, University of Minnesota Morris
[News Article about the Creation of the UMM College Library], University of Minnesota Morris
WCSA Commencement March 24, West Central School of Agriculture
[First Theater Production "The Curious Savage"], University of Minnesota Morris
[First Theater Production "The Curious Savage"], University of Minnesota Morris
[First Theater Production "The Curious Savage"], University of Minnesota Morris
[First Theater Production "The Curious Savage"], University of Minnesota Morris
[First Theater Production "The Curious Savage"], University of Minnesota Morris
[Exhibit by Jo Lutz Rollins in Edson Hall], University of Minnesota Morris
[Vienna Choir Boys to Appear at the University of Minnesota Morris], University of Minnesota Morris
[Gift of the dog Clipper to the University of Minnesota, Morris], University of Minnesota Morris
Italian Drama to be Shown in UMM Film Series, University of Minnesota Morris
UMM Artist Series To Present Vienna Boys Choir, University of Minnesota Morris
UMM Music Concert Well Received, University of Minnesota Morris
UMM Play to Run March 6 and 7, University of Minnesota Morris
The Senior Class of W.C.S.A. Presents "The Adorable Imp" by Jay Tobias, West Central School of Agriculture