Observing the Universe with Gravitational Waves
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Gravitational waves were predicted by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity as fluctuations in the fabric of space-time caused by accelerated masses. In 2015, the Advanced LIGO gravitational-wave detectors observed the first gravitational waves generated in a merger of two black holes. Since then, nearly 100 similar observations have been made, revealing objects and events that would otherwise remain hidden from traditional telescopes and other detectors. I will discuss how gravitational waves arise in some of the most energetic systems in the universe, such as binary systems involving black holes and/or neutron stars. I will describe the state-of-the-art technology used by modern detectors, such as LIGO, to observe gravitational waves. Finally, I will discuss some of the recent gravitational wave observations and some of our expectations for the upcoming observation runs. - Vuk Mandic is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota, co-recipient of multiple awards and prizes with the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Publication Date
Cosmology, Relativity, and Gravity
Recommended Citation
Mandic, Vuk, "Observing the Universe with Gravitational Waves" (2023). Public Lectures. 9.
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