Indigenous Peoples, Climate Justice, and Decolonial Philosophy.
Document Type
A presentation at the 41st Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium: "New Directions in Environmental Philosophy."
Dr. Whyte is Timnick Chair in the Humanities and Associate Professor of Philosophy and Community Sustainability at Michigan State University. He is Potawatomi and an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and has written extensively about climate policy and Indigenous peoples, the ethics of cooperative relationships between Indigenous peoples and climate science organizations, and Indigenous food sovereignty.
In addition to his scholarship, Whyte has played key roles within: the Sustainable Development Institute of the Menominee Nation, the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (New Zealand’s Maori Centre of Research Excellence), The Center for Indigenous Environmental Research, and the U.S. Federal Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science.
Publication Date
Indigenous Studies | Philosophy of Science
Recommended Citation
Powys Whyte, Kyle, "Indigenous Peoples, Climate Justice, and Decolonial Philosophy." (2017). Public Lectures. 2.
Primo Type
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