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In this issue: Zavada is First Morton Gneiss Professor; Cougar Days of Giving Event is Resounding Success; Planned Giving is Way for Alum to Give Significant Support; New at UMN Morris: Degree in Three; Cofer Named Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean; Pandemic Challenges Led to Improved Chemistry Lab; Kapemni Program Created with NSF Grant; UMN Morris Archives Receives National Endowment for the Humanities Grant; Morris Model Wins Competition to Energize Rural Communities; UMN Morris Included in Food Justice Initiative Funding; DuHamel Receives McKnight Musician Fellowship Grant; Peters Receives JEDI Award; Brugger Named Fellow of the Geological Society of America; Cai '24 Receives 2023 SEED Award; UMN Morris Students Attend National AISES Conference; Zenner Receives Tate Award for Advising; Inauguration of Janet Schrunk Ericksen, Seventh Chancellor of the University of Minnesota Morris; Spotlight Highlighting Some UMN Morris Alumni Working in Sustainability; New Energy Storage Project; Setting the Scene for Green Theatre in Minnesota; Meet Your New Alumni Relations Officer; Look Who's Back!; 2023 Distinguished Alumni Awardees; Student Athlete Wellbeing Partnership; UMAC Champions; 100th Win for Men's Soccer Coach; First Year of Men's Swimming & Diving; Cougar Student Athletes Earn Academic Honors; Dear Minnesota
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University of Minnesota Morris
Morris, MN
Recommended Citation
Communications and Marketing, "Profile: Celebrating Sustainability" (2024). Profile (1996-). 65.
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Text Resource
Volume XXVIII: Edition I