This collection contains oral histories pertaining to life and events in the West Central region of Minnesota. The oral histories range greatly in topic and time period.
The digitization of these oral histories was made possible in part by the people of Minnesota through a grant funded by an appropriation to the Minnesota Historical Society from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Any views, findings, opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Historical Society, or the Minnesota Historic Resources Advisory Committee.
Dalton Threshing Bee Interview, 1972
This recording was done at the 19th Annual Firemen's Threshingman's Association Show on September 8, 1972. Included on the recording are the sounds of some of the engines and interviews with those running the machines.
Grant County
Oscar Aanerud Interview, ca. 1975
Oscar Aanerud
Oscar Aanerud was 76 years old. His grandfather homesteaded in 1877. Oscar's son farmed the same land at the time of the interview. Oscar reflects upon growing up on the farm and the introduction of electricity, tractors, etc. to the area. He mentions fluctuating grain prices and the drought years of 1933-1934. He is a fiddler.
Stevens County
Gordon (Rocky) Allen Interview, 1976
Gordon Allen
Mr. Allen was born on May 27, 1925 in Graceville, Minnesota. He went into the Navy when was 18, and was discharged on his 21st birthday. He spent a year in the Veterans Hospital after a plane accident. After his recovery, he farmed for 13 years, during which time he became an alcoholic. At age 33 he recovered from alcoholism and farmed for 7 more years. In 1968 he took his first job as a counselor after training at Willmar State Hospital. He has worked in Big Stone, Traverse, and Stevens Counties, and had worked in Stevens County for 3 years as an alcohol and drug counselor.
In this interview, Mr. Allen discusses alcoholism in Stevens County and some of its historical perspectives.
Stevens County
Clara Alsakson Interview, ca. 1979
Clara Alsakson
Clara Alsakson was 83 years old and had lived all her life in the Starbuck area.
In this interview, Clara discusses growing up on the farm, household chores (including laundry and washing machines), country school, and her teaching experiences.
Pope County
Ole Amundson Interview, ca. 1977
Ole Amundson
Ole Amundson was 85 years old and lived in Norcross.
In this interview, he talks about his family homesteading in Norcross. He discusses changes in farming. He talks about plucking turkeys and trapping skunks. He also shares memories from his trip around the world.
Grant County
Tobias Amundson Interview, 1973
Tobias Amundson
Tobias Amundson was born on July 6, 1893 near Christianson, Norway. He immigrated to the United States in 1911. He served in the Army and worked in lumber camps in Northern Minnesota. In 1939 he was elected sheriff of Grant County after serving as deputy for 10 years. He was sheriff until 1958.
In this interview, Tobias Amundson discusses his immigration to the United States and gives a short family history. The bulk of the interview consists of Tobias Amundson describing his activities as sheriff of Grant County, which includes his activities during prohibition and some of his more dangerous or unpleasant cases.
Grant County
Arnold Anderson Interview, 1978
Arnold Anderson
Arnold Anderson was born in Montevideo where he has lived and worked all of his life (barring a few years in the service and a few years in Benson). He graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in mortuary science and took over the family funeral home which he still operated at the time of the interview. He also was the treasurer of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MNSCU) Board of Regents.
In this interview, Arnold Anderson discusses early funeral practices, his personal life and time in the service during World War II, the history and urban renewal of Montevideo, and the MNSCU system.
Chippewa County
A.V. Anderson Interview, ca. 1976
A. V. Anderson
A.V. Anderson was 81 years old. He lived on a farm all his life and had many experiences in training horses.
In this interview, he talk about farming and training horses. He also talked about how he is able to detect water in the ground.
Grant County
Emil Anderson Interview, 1975
Emil Anderson
Emil Anderson was born near Wagdahl, Minnesota on October 11, 1895. He lived and farmed in Chippewa County all his life and served as Chippewa County Commissioner from 1941-1965. He also served on several community boards.
In this interview, Emil Anderson recalls experiences related to the Olaf Swensson family and working for them. Then he talks of his years as County Commissioner, describing his duties, work with the WPA during the Depression, and issues during his terms.
Chippewa County
Errol Anderson Interview, 1976
Errol Anderson and Alberta Anderson
Errol Anderson was born on his father's farm in Otrey Township on August 6, 1905. His father, Andrew, emigrated from Sweden in 1869 and homesteaded on June 4, 1884. Errol Anderson was the youngest of 8 children. In 1930, he graduated from the University of Minnesota Agricultural School and from 1935-1943 served as county agent in Ottertail County. After that time, he moved back to his father's farm and farmed the land. He is married with one son.
In this interview, Errol Anderson discusses farming in Big Stone County, primarily from World War I to the time of the interview. A particular emphasis was placed on the 1920s and Depression years. He discusses the Non-Partisan League, the Farm Holiday Movement, as well as the Farm Bureau and Farm Union. He discusses the effect of World War II on the county agent system with a view of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Finally he discusses the farm co-operatives in the area, the Rural Electrification Program, and droughts.
Big Stone County
Frank Anderson Interview, ca. 1975
Frank Anderson
Frank Anderson was 86 years old and was born in Traverse County where his parents emigrated from Sweden to homestead.
In this interview, Frank Anderson discusses Swedish Christmas customs. He remembers the town of White Rock, Minnesota when it was a trading center. He is a former teacher, farmer, and painter. He reflects on early automobiles and farming practices.
Traverse County
G.A. Anderson Interview, ca. 1977
G. A. Anderson
G.A. "Oddie" Anderson lived in Morris and was 84 years old. He grew up on a farm and was an implement dealer and in the hardware business for some time.
In this interview, Oddie discusses farming in the 30s and 40s and his two terms in the state legislature. He talks about enlisting in World War I. He discusses his businesses, including his work selling John Deere tractors. He was also active in the Kiwanis, V.F.W., OPA Board, church, G.T.A. Board and selective service board. He also discusses going to Russia, and going to the inauguration of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey.
Stevens County
Gust A. Anderson Interview, 1978
Gust A. Anderson
Mr. Anderson discusses his use of the Morris Senior Citizens Center and what aspects of the center he enjoys.
Stevens County
Harold Anderson Interview, ca. 1976
Harold Anderson
Harold Anderson was 76 years old and was born in Clarkfield, Minnesota. He was a former high school teacher in Granite Falls and Cokato.
In this interview, Harold Anderson discusses sports. He was a high school and college athlete. He signed with the St. Louis Cardinals in 1927, and was a pitcher. He discusses playing semi-professional baseball in Minnesota and his pitching skills. He also discusses his years teaching and coaching in schools in Minnesota, as well as the differences from when he played sports compared to schools sports at the time of the interview.
Traverse County
Helen Anderson Interview, 1977
Helen R. Anderson
Helen Anderson was born in 1910 in Eagle Lake, North Dakota. She lived in Evansville township from the time she was five years old until she married Harvey Anderson in the 1930s and moved to the Anderson Farm in Lund Township in Douglas County. She was a teacher in rural schools, a member of the school consolidation committee in Douglas County, and a school board member.
In this interview, Helen Anderson discusses teaching in the rural community, the rural church as a social center, the Depression, Swedish customs and foods, and rural life, elaborating on old time threshing activities. She also discusses the Happy Sun Rhubarb Trucking Farm, a young people's commune formed in 1971 in the area. She talks about the relationship between the local community and the commune members.
Douglas County
Martin Anderson Interview, ca. 1977
Martin Anderson
Martin Anderson was 94 years old and was born in Norway to a family of farmers. He immigrated to the United States when he was 18 years old. He married in 1913 and had 9 children. He was a resident of Cyrus at the time of the interview.
In this interview, he discusses his immigration to the United States. He talks about farm work and threshing in South Dakota. He talks about the droughts and living through the Great Depression. He describes his activity in the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).
Pope County
Nels A. Anderson Interview, ca. 1977
Nels A. Anderson
Nels Anderson was 81 years old and lived in Hoffman. His parents came from Sweden and settled in Roseville Township.
In this interview, Nels relates how Roseville Township got its name. He discusses the virgin land and breaking the prairie. He talks about farm life, including farming with oxen, the prairie chickens, and threshing. He also discusses barn dances, playing baseball, changes in agriculture, and a story about the Dillinger gang robbing the Breckenridge Bank.
Grant County
Rosalie Anderson and Kathryn Sunquist Interview, 1977
Rosalie Anderson and Kathryn Sunquist
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Sunquist are sisters and grew up in rural Stevens County. They attended the District 8 rural school near Morris in the 1920s-1930s.
In this interview, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Sunquist discuss their years attending the District 8 school, concentrating on academics and social activities. They discuss the differences between rural schools and the schools in towns.
Stevens County
Willard Anderson Interview, 1978
Willard Anderson
Willard Anderson was one of the key founders of the Federated Telephone Cooperative of Chokio, Minnesota.
In this interview, Mr. Anderson discusses the development of the Federation, why a centralized telephone cooperative started in this area, and the problems the founders encountered with the Bell system and the Rural Electrification Administration (REA).
Stevens County
Iva Andres Interview, 1978
Iva Andres
Iva Andres was born December 8, 1890 in Chippewa County. She attended school in Duluth and worked as a librarian in Iowa. She was trained as a school teacher and taught for seven years in three country schools. Later, she worked as a receptionist for Dr. Smith of Montevideo for 15 years. She was married later and lived in Montevideo at the time of the interview.
In this interview, Iva Andres discusses life as a rural school teacher, some reminiscences, and her job working for Dr. Smith. She has insights on medical changes during the time she worked for Dr. Smith.
Chippewa County
Len Arnquist Interview, 1975
Len Arnquist
Len Arnquist was born in Star Prairie, Wisconsin in 1885 and grew up on the family farm in New Richmond, Wisconsin. In 1912, he moved to Hoffman where he opened a general store.
In this interview, Len Arnquist discusses farming in the late 19th century in Wisconsin, the conditions for small businessmen in West Central Minnesota, and the effect of the Depression and World Wars on small business.
Grant County
Frank Austin Interview, 1974
Frank Austin
Frank Austin was born on January 29, 1899 in the home in which is resided at the time of the interview. He had been a sign painter and lived in Montevideo, Minnesota all his life.
In this interview, Frank Austin gives a history of how his family arrived in the United States and in Montevideo. He talks about the reaction to World War I, the Crash, the Depression, and World War II in Montevideo. In addition, he talks about changes in Montevideo's atmosphere and city government.
Chippewa County
Frank Austin Interview, 1975
Frank Austin
Frank Austin was born on January 29, 1899 in the home in which he lived during the time of the interview. He was a sign painter and lived in Montevideo, Minnesota his whole life.
In this interview, Frank Austin discusses his participation and the history of the Montevideo bands.
Chippewa County
Gerald Babb Interview, 1979
Gerald Babb
Gerald Babb was a newspaperman for more than 40 years.
In this interview, he discusses his experience in the newspaper business, particularly in Hancock, Minnesota. He notes changes in many facets of the industry with which he was related such as printing and advertising.
Stevens County
Les Bahr Interview, ca. 1979
Les Bahr
Les Bahr lived in Portland, Oregon at the time of the interview, but was born in Morris. He was 67 years old. His father was from central Iowa and his mother immigrated from Germany when she was 10 years old. His parents farmed northwest of Morris when he was a child. Les was a farmer in Stevens County before he moved to Portland, where he worked in a lumber mill.
In this interview, Les Bahr recalls the ins and outs of horse racing in the area and transporting horses. He talks about breaking horses and buying horses. He also discusses his father homesteading the land and farm life. He talks about his work in the lumber mill.
Stevens County