Publications written by library professionals at the University of Minnesota, Morris
Submissions from 2022
Off the Page and Onto Your Screen: How to Set-Up a Virtual Literary Festival, Peter Bremer and Kristina Smith
Submissions from 2019
Reflecting on Student Mental Health: Creating a Meditation Room in a Small College Library, Peter Bremer
Submissions from 2018
Are You Ready for Your Close-Up? Creating a Library Promotional Video, Peter Bremer
Picture Perfect, Peter Bremer
Pounce into the Spotlight with a Library Instruction Video, Peter Bremer and Kellie Meehlhause
Staffing with Students: Digitizing Campus Newspapers with Student Volunteers at the University of Minnesota, Morris, Naomi Skulan
Submissions from 2017
Games People Play, Peter Bremer
Librarian on the Loose: A Roving Reference Desk at a Small Liberal Arts College, Peter Bremer
Supporting Sixth Grade History Projects, Peter Bremer
Submissions from 2016
Asking the Big Questions, Peter Bremer and LeAnn Dean
Two Parts Reflection, One Part Selfie: A Visual Alternative to the Minute Paper, Kellie Meehlhause
Submissions from 2014
Rolling the Dice in an Academic Library, Peter Bremer and Jayne Blodgett