Vasectomization & Colloidal Particle Uptake by Cells of the Caput Epididymis
Gaylan Smith and Wayne A. Becker
Fish Species, Some Uncommon, Collected From the Lower Minnesota River
Daniel B. Wilcox, Bruce D. Lorenz, and Vincent Kranz
Occurrence of Corbicula manilensis Phillipi in the Lower Minnesota River
Steven E. Cummings and James A. Jones
Space-Time in the Creative Process
Kathleen Cooper
The Elongation of the Leaf of Cyclamen persicum Mill. (Cultivars)
Marshall D. Sundberg
Effects of Nutrients on Productivity and Morphology of Typha angustifolia x latifolia
V. Bonnewell and D. C. Pratt
Dictyostelium discoideum's 35-year Contribution to Growth of Biology: A Bibliometric Analysis
JoAnn Hilmas and Walter Fluegel
Thermal Shock Effects on Larvae of Caddis Fly Brachycentrus americanus
Jack A. Salmela and Richard L. Anderson