
Scholarly Horizons: University of Minnesota, Morris Undergraduate Journal

Document Type



"TRANSforming Families: The Effects of Familial Social Support and Belongingness on the Healthy Identity Development of Trans Youth" focuses on the dual transitioning process that both trans children and their families experience. This process is examined through the recognition of psychological processes that affect both the trans child and family's perception of themselves and others. This literature review also assesses the challenges and rewards in providing support to trans children, via the perspective of parents. Included are successful navigations of negative reactions towards the transitioning process, which aim to promote equitable and safe spaces for children to grow and thrive in their identities. Finally, further strategies for advocacy and allyship are explored that will ensure the safety and well-being of both the child in the family, and also other trans people in broader society, through the promotion of education and cooperation with local authoritative forces.

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