
Scholarly Horizons: University of Minnesota, Morris Undergraduate Journal

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In political science, studies focusing on the relationship between the press and the president have a long and rich history. However, few presidents have fought the press as strongly as Donald Trump. Given that many of these attacks utilized the influence afforded to Trump by occupying the Office of the Presidency, and that the press has long been noted to have influence over the public, it is worth examining if the relationship between the Office of the President and the press has shifted as a result of these attacks. Because the ability of the Presidency to govern as they wish is often hampered by the results of midterm elections, it is theorized that the press would use this time to most effectively act as a check against the power of the Presidency. Utilizing the text analysis program Voyant Tools, this study examines to what degree, if any, the press has turned against the Presidency by examining the 2006, 2010, 2018, and 2022 midterm elections, and why such a change may have happened if one exists.

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