"General files and correspondence: Academic (A3-H-a) contents" by UMM Archives

General files and correspondence: Academic (A3-H-a) contents

UMM Archives


The "Academic" subseries contains miscellaneous materials on a number of topics related to the Vice-Chancellor's academic role. Records consist of brochures, correspondence, memoranda, newsletters and notes. A number of files contain Vice-Chancellor's correspondence with friends, colleagues and former students and reflect the chief academic officer's diverse range of issues. One file from 1973, for instance, contains correspondence from the Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minneapolis in support of pre-chiropractic program at UMM. Personal correspondence include wedding invitations, thank-you cards, missives from boosters, letters from other administrators discussing new developments in higher education, etc. Much of the correspondence dating from Elizabeth's Blake's tenure as Dean is reflective of the shifting role of women in college administration.

Also of interest are the two files having to do with the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and included here is a small collection of ribbons and pins.