"UMM enrollment (A1-G) contents" by UMM Archives

UMM enrollment (A1-G) contents

UMM Archives


Chancellor’s papers pertaining to Admissions, Enrollment, Registration, and Retention. Represented in these files are correspondence with new and returning students, application materials, papers relating to the reorganization of the Admissions Office, and enrollment decline. Included are press releases, newspaper articles and letters in response to articles from various alumni and meeting minutes from the Minnesota Higher Education Committee. Reports on enrollment rates, registration, surveys, recruitment, and fees can be found. Most materials range from 1960 to 1994. Of special interest are materials labeled “Admissions and Records, 1961-62,” which document student recruitment efforts for that period, including promotional materials, “Comparative Enrollment,” for various years; data contained in the “Freshman Distributions for Fall [various years] for Colleges within the University of Minnesota;” the file on “Recruitment” for 1978-79; “Registration/Orientation” materials for various years; a small file labeled, “Social Science Division, 1968-69,” which lays out a radical proposal for student participation in division governance. Many of the files contain University-wide data.

Some personnel matters are discussed.