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Wounds and injuries; Healing; Fibroblast growth factors; Hepatocyte growth factor


Injury produces marked changes to the local environment. Changes in both diversity and availability of bioactive substances at wound sites might discriminate between repair and regeneration microenvironments and selectively drive events leading to final resolution. Among factors with potential relevance to wound repair and regeneration are basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). In this study, concentrations of these factors were determined in fluids derived from wound, repair, and regeneration-conditioned models using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. All fluids contained substantial concentrations of bFGF which rose 5- to I 5-fold as resolution to injury was achieved. Mean bFGF content in regeneration fluid was three times greater than in wound fluid (645.5 vs 224.2 pg/mL) early after injury (days I - 3). Maximal bFGF content of regeneration fluids did not differ from that of wound fluids (3454.0 vs 3565.5 pg/mL), but was achieved about 5 days earlier (i.e., 9 - II days rather than (mathematical symbol) 5 days postinjury). In contrast, HGF was not consistently detected and was at much lower levels in wound, repair, or regeneration fluids . HGF content does not correlate either with repair or regeneration or with time postinjury. Basic FGF appears to provide a convenient index of postinjury age but is a poor discriminator for wound repair and regeneration .

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Biology Commons



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