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Hypothermia--Treatment; Radiant heating


The purpose of this feasibility study was to determine if a radiant heat device could be used to rewarm hypothermic canines. Twenty canines were first cooled to varying degrees of hypothermia and then rewarmed. An ice water bath was used to create mild (> 32' C), moderate (29 to 32' C), or severe ( < 29· C) hypothermia, as assessed by measuring the animal's core body temperature. Two radiant heat devices, an IAD450 animal device or a thermal recovery unit (TRU), suitable for humans, were used for rewarming animals. There were no deaths or lasting significant complications during the treatment or follow up interval. Rewarming rates were: mild- 2.2· C during the first hour and 4.9' C during the second hour, moderate- 2.1" C during the first hour and 5.5' C during the second hour, or severe- 0.8' C during the first hour and 4.4' C during the second hour and 4.1' C during the third hour. Rewarming rates were comparable in either mild or moderate hypothermic conditions, however, in the severely hypothermic state, a slower rate of rewarming occurred during the first hour. Both devices proved capable of rewarming animals within acceptable time frames with no lasting clinically significant toxicity. Data accumulated and monitoring done during this study included: complete blood count, serum chemistries, blood gases, physiological hemodynamic parameters, and multiple temperature site assessment. This technique should be further explored as an alternative method of rewarming from a hypothermic to a normothermic state.

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