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Environmental education--Law and legislation--Minnesota


The development of new technologies and effective environmental management by communities, states, and nations will not be enough to arrest and repair the environmental degradation that exists in the world today. Nor will technology and management alone be able to prevent significant environmental degradation in the future. Extensive pollution and other types of environmental degradation have occurred because societies have not sufficiently understood and valued their environments. The development of environmentally sound societies will require changed attitudes and a citizenry which is informed about the environment. Thus, it is essential that environmental education be a part of the long range environmental plan for any society.

The State of Minnesota has long been known for its beautiful forests, rivers, and ten thousand lakes. The state's identity, prosperous economy, and high quality of life for its four million citizens are dependent upon a healthy environment. As a result, the state government is keenly aware that current and threatened degradation of the state's environments cannot be tolerated. It has recognized and recently mandated that vigorous efforts to educate Minnesota citizens about the environment must begin immediately.

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