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ABS~CT-Development of co_unt)_' comprehensi~e water plans is underway in a majority of Minnesota counties as a result of recent leg1slat1on. The planning process requires the fashioning of new relationships and r~les for local and st~te _government, agen':Y personnel, and interdisciplinary technical teams. Early water planning efforts reve~I. s1gmfi~ant problerI:s with the adequacy and applicability of existing water resources da~. Assessment of e1t1Zen attitudes regarding water resource issues was found necessary to link support with policy and develop public education activities. Analysis of water resources data combined with citizen and stat~ agency attitudes has enabled counties in south central Minnesota to formulate goals and objectives for ~helf county !='.!ans. County water resources management committees are currently formalizing strategies and 1mplementa~10n models t? effectuate pla~ goals and objectives. The process of developing county c~mprehens1ve ~ter plans in south central Minnesota has led to the preliminary conclusions that the process will beco1:1e ongoing_after pla_ns are firs~ adopted and that the relationships oflocal government, state agencies and technical professionals will evolve into a more constructive partnership for the benefit of water resources.

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