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Traffic congestion; Transportation and state


Suburban Congestion. What is it and why is it the Twin Cities' rea/transportation problem?

Webster's dictionary defines the word "congestion" as a condition of overcrowding, overburdening, or an excessive accumulation to the point of obstruction. Though the term "suburban congestion" does not have a precise definition, most persons living in urban areas today have a clear perception of what suburban congestion entails. Images of overcrowded freeway lanes, snarled intersections, endless queues of cars and bumper-to-bumper, stop and go traffic jump quickly to mind.

The Twin Cities and metropolitan areas all across the nation are reaching a "suburban congestion crisis" brought on by an ever increasing demand for travel and the limited capacity of our highway systems to serve this demand. This article points out some of the demographic trends and lifestyle factors which have brought us to this suburban congestion crisis and identifies several realistic options or a "family of solutions" capable of relieving the crisis.

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