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Shiitake; Oak; Bromomethane


Two or more years of outdoor incubation of inoculated oak logs are required before shiitake (Lentinus edodes [Berk.] Sing.) mushrooms appear; methods to accelerate the rate of oak sapwood colonization should reduce this incubation period. Observed increased mold growth of oak sapwood fumigated with methyl bromide (MB) prompted an experiment to determine whether such treatment would enhance oak colonization by L. edodes. Red and bur oak bolts ( 1 m long) were inoculated three weeks after felling. Half of the bolts were fumigated with MB ( 100 g per m3 of space beneath a plastic tarp) for three days, then vented for five days prior to inoculation. Bolts were incubated in a partly-shady location and sampled for fungus with an increment hammer one year after inoculation. L. edodes was recovered from 40% (31/ 78) of the plugs plated from untreated red oak, and from 92% (72/78) of those formerly fumigated with MB. Bur oak yielded 67% (24/ 36) from untreated and 94% (34/ 36) from fumigated bolts. These data indicate enhanced oak colonization by the shiitake fungus after MB fumigation.

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Plant Biology Commons



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