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Economic development--International cooperation; International relief


The Minnesota Studies in International Development Program is a new program to engage University of Minnesota students and faculty in systematic, long term cooperative research with community outreach to individuals in Third World countries who are involved in development work. The program: I) involves Americans and people in Third World countries directly in a common task so that they may learn from one another, 2) brings the tools of science (both Western and non-Western) to bear on the development of less developed nations, 3) helps internationalize the curriculum of the University, and 4) helps replenish the dwindling stock of professionally trained international development specialists in the United States and in several Third World countries.

Internship agreements for students have been signed with ENDA-Dakar and are underway with Grupo Social in Colombia, various agencies in Jamaica, and the Mazingira Institute and other agencies in Kenya. A language, cross-cultural and skills package created specifically for this program is also being developed. Community outreach programs have been initiated.

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