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Duck shooting; Mississippi River Valley; Physical geography--United States
Terrain, ducks, and hunters combine to provide an environment of land, water, and air space above that constitutes a great waterfowl hunting region along the Mississippi River between the mouths of the Black River and Wisconsin River and touching boundaries of three states -Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. The marshes of the floodplain have provided excellent waterfowl habitat, particularly since the 1930's when development of river navigation channels created pools of relatively consistent water level and land conditions. Many types of ducks, with canvasbacks especially numerous, utilize the region during annual migrations. Major highways offer access to the region for hunters, who indicate preference for travel on an east-west axis. Research information and a field survey by the author of this paper revealed locational data on home towns of duck hunters and other demographic information.
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Recommended Citation
Schroeder, M.
Duck Hunting in Mississippi River Pools: A Geographer's Assessment.
Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science, Vol. 47 No.3, 2-4.
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