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Prescribed burning; Vegetation management; Cedar Creek Natural History Area (Minn.); Hazel


On four oak savanna restoration compartments with a total area of 100 acres, annual burns (1965-1972) reduced the percent of milacre plots stocked with hazel to 39 compared with 65 on unburned areas. Four growing seasons after one and three fires the hazel distribution was not significantly different from the control. Annual burns increased the density of hazel stems in clones to 19.5 per .0001 acre compared to 11.0 on controls. Stem density four years after 1 and 3 burns averaged 10.0 and 8.0 per .0001 acre. The o.d. weight of live hazel stems per .0001 on annual burn areas was 16 percent of that on controls. Four years after 1 or 3 fires stem weight was not significantly different from the control. Stem height on annual burn areas averaged 17 inches compared with 33 inches on the con1rols. Maximum stem heights on annual burns averaged 24 inches compared wi1h 42 inches on controls. Four growing seasons after 1 or 3 fires average and maximum stem heights were not significantly different from controls.

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