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Northern corn rootworm; Western corn rootworm; Insect populations; Introduced organisms


The occurrence and population changes of the northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica longicornis (Say), and the western corn rootworm, D. virgifera LeConte, were reviewed on the basis of information assembled at the Department of Agriculture of the State of Minnesota; and the Department of Entomology, Fisheries, and Wildlife and the Extension Entomologist's Office of the University of Minnesota.

The review shows no record of the northern species in Minnesota before 1899, but it appeared between 1899 and 1915. Populations were probably very law until 1932. Sporadic infestations were reported between 1932 and l 953. Progressive increase in infestation from 1954 paralleled an increase in continuous planting of corn. The western species reached Minnesota in 196 l. By 1968 it was found in practically all counties where the northern species was found . There was no displacement of the northern species by the western in Minnesota, as happened in some other localities.

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Entomology Commons



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