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Myxobacterales; Fruit--Development


The fruiting myxobacteria and the cellular slime molds (Acrasiales) have many superficial resemblances with respect to fruiting behavior. Cells in the swarm are triggered by chemical substances to aggregate and form fruiting bodies (Bonner, 1947; Fluegel, 1963a). A chief difference between the two with respect to fruiting behavior, is that the myxoamoeba are free cells whereas the myxobacters are enmeshed in slime threads (Fluegel, 1963b). However, it is tacitly assumed that if parallel studies be undertaken in myxobacteria as has been done with the slime molds, the cells must be grown dispersed. Most isolates of myxobacteria do not grow dispersed; when grown in liquid, they form an adherent swarm on the walls of their container beneath or on the surface of the medium. This swarm can be induced to form fruiting bodies using the methods outlined below, but they do not, as a rule, form submerged fruiting bodies in growing cultures. To my knowledge there are no reports concerning the inducement of myxobacterial swarms to fruit.

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Bacteriology Commons



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