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Trees--Diseases and pests; Fungi
It is often difficult or impossible to obtain cultures of wood rotting fungi from pieces of decayed wood placed on agar media, because other fungi present in the wood grow out rapidly and hide or suppress the fungus or fungi responsible for the decay. Trichoderma viride Pers. occurs very commonly in decayed wood, grows rapidly on agar media suitable for the isolation of wood-rotting fungi, and makes the isolation of wood decay fungi difficult. Russell (2) reported that Ophenylphenol added to the culture medium at the rate of 0.06 grams per liter would inhibit the growth of Trichoderma but permit wood rotting fungi to grow, although it did inhibit Merulius lacrymans (Wulf.) Fr., a fungus that causes brown rot. Denyer ( 1) tested 20 species of fungi and found that a medium containing O-phenylphenol had little or no inhibitory effect on fungi that cause white rot and on some of those that cause brown rot, but did inhibit some fungi that cause brown cubical rot. Isolations by the authors from decayed wood from buildings, using a medium containing O-phenylphenol, and involving white and brown rots, often failed to yield any wood rotting fungi. For this reason it seemed desirable to determine the effect of O-phenylphenol in the medium upon the growth of some of the common fungi known to cause either white rot or brown rot.
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Recommended Citation
Merrill, W.,
French, D. W.
The Effect of O-Phenylphenol on the Growth of Some Fungi Occurring in Wood.
Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science, Vol. 30 No.1, 36-37.
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