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Cedar Creek Natural History Area (Minn.); Fruit--Identification; Seeds--Identification


The program was initiated with the support of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota in May, 1960 through the interest of Dean T. C. Blegen. There are four major objectives: (1) To establish a collection of ripe fruits and seeds to provide a permanent reference file of the entire seed plant flora of the area newly mapped through a grant from the National Science Foundation. (2) To prepare duplicate sets of standard herbarium mounts of material with ripe disseminules, one set for the laboratory at Cedar Creek, the other for the Herbarium of the Department of Botany of the University at Minneapolis. (3) To photograph the various fruits and seeds in Kodachrome and black and white showing both external and internal morphology. ( 4) To prepare eventually an illustrated manual with keys for identification of fruits and seeds.

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Botany Commons



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