This exhibit includes documents on the founding of the University of Minnesota Morris in the 1960s and its first decade of existence. It details how the University campus was founded, the changes that occurred in those early years, and how UMN Morris became the place it is today.

Summer School Bulletin 1961-66
Gap and Gown Day Remarks
UMM Library Annual Report, July 1 1961-June 30, 1962
West Central Teacher Education Council (WCTEC) Constitution
Morris Community
University of Minnesota to Offer College Level Work at Morris
Before UMN Morris
UMM Intramural Sports Handbook, 1966-67
Council of Religious Organizations Constitution and By-laws [1960s]
Student Clubs and Organizations
Student Government Meeting Photo 1962
Student Government
UMM Hymn, 1960
Student Life
A Liberal Arts Education Pamphlet, [1960s]
Advertising UMN Morris
UMM Constitution
Philosophy of UMN Morris
The Role of Faculty at UMM, [1960s]
UMN Morris Staff and Faculty