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Goldenrods; Plant populations


In each of 100 abandoned agricultural fields grown over with goldenrod, stems were diagnosed and counted in 20 occupied 0.4 M plots selected by hoop tossing. Preliminary results differed little between hoop tossing and random plot selection, and between 0.9 and 0.4 m plot sizes. In rank order of stem abundance the taxa were Solidago altissima L. S. canadensis L. complex S. gigantea Ait. S. graminifolia (L.) Saliab. S. nemoralis Ait. S. ulmifolia muhl. others. An average of 2.2 taxa were recorded per field, and three or more taxa in at least one plot in 34 percent of fields. Where S. altissima-S. canadensis complex stems were resolved to species, S altissima was approximately three times more abundant than S. canadensis.

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Botany Commons



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